Hi! I’m Melissa and I’m so glad you’re here!
Let’s talk about teaching…
I have been teaching for 11 years. I have taught in 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade classrooms – currently in 3rd. My favorite? They each have benefits! It’s so special to share those early reading experiences with first graders. I also really enjoy the more advanced concepts and in-depth conversations that I can have with 3rd graders. I’m sure that you also have your favorite grades and reasons!

Hearing from parents (or students) about how much they love reading or learning is the best praise ever.
Teaching Treasure Hunter
I started selling teaching resources when I was having a hard time finding good research materials for my 1st grade class. I wrote some animal research pages and eventually started selling them.
I needed a name for my little store. I eventually came up with Teacher Treasure Hunter because I really like finding deals and new ideas and sharing them with other teachers. I love talking to teachers and sharing ideas.
Join the conversation. Let’s make this our own type of PLC!

I’ve been married for almost 24 years! Wow! That does not seem possible. How has time passed by so quickly? We were friends before we started dating and that really makes a difference. He is truly my best friend.
We have 2 boys who are both in high school this year. One is a senior, so I have been busy trying to figure out all the many details of high school graduation, college planning, and finances (please let some more scholarships materialize!). The good news about this very busy time is that it keeps me distracted from thinking about what a very big change this is. At Christmas, I started wondering what next year would be like if he was only home for a short break. I had to quickly think of something else. In fact, my eyes are watering so much right now that I can hardly see the screen. Maybe something is wrong with my contacts…
Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I grew up in the Seattle-Tacoma area. I’ve also lived in 5 other states, and we have done quite a bit of traveling in the US to see family and just because we enjoy seeing new places. Now, I live in eastern Washington which is dramatically different from the west side of the state. It is semi-arid, which means it is almost a desert. I’ve traded views of pine trees for views of tumbleweeds! It has it’s own beauty though and some amazing sunsets! The entire state is full of beautiful scenery. We enjoy hiking and camping so we can see it all!
How can I help?
Do you have a particular teaching item that you’re looking for or an idea for a blog post? Email me! I’d love to hear from you.