In just a few days, it will be National Hat Day! Who knew? This holiday caught my attention because hats are a big deal in lower elementary. If you want to make an occasion extra fun then just add a hat (or crown!). So, here are some activity ideas for you that involve hats. Use them on January 15th or save them for a special day that needs a little extra excitement!
3) The Hat by Jan Brett is a classic winter story. I love that this book features a hedgehog and that Jan Brett actually has a pet hedgehog named Pudge! Hedgehogs are super cute, but I recently discovered that they don’t always make good pets. A teacher was given one that hadn’t really been handled much. I attempted to “tame” it over a few months and had some bites as a consequence! She still doesn’t like people. π I think the key might be to adopt one when it is a baby and can get used to being handled. I would still love to have one as a pet! This freebie by 1st Grade Hip Hip Hooray! asks students to compare The Hat & The Mitten. Then they decorate their own hats & mittens and use their best writing to describe them.
Lucy at Here’s an Idea is having a linky about what people eat in your state. I’m representing for Washington, but I had a hard time thinking of a distinct dish that is associated with our state. Of course, Washington is known for a fruit – apples! Over 1/2 of the apples that are sold for eating in the US come from our state. My family has been trying to focus on health lately and one of our goals has been to eat an apple a day. I’ve had an apple almost every day for this school year. There are many health benefits. I just read about the 3 apples a day plan – eat an apple before each meal. I may need to try that one. π
Have a great week! Happy hat day!
I love apples, so that means I could move to Washington, right?But I'm not sure I love apples so much as to eat 3 apples a day :)Thanks for participating!Cheers,Lucy π